Downsizing Your Home - More Than Skip Bins to Think About
Dear Fellow Melbournians
As Australia has a large proportion of population, which is aging, we are finding ourselves servicing many families which are at a point of life where they need to Downsize. Downsizing is a very big trend and not only for the retirees but for younger families and couples as well as apart from the retirement and kids moving out of home, the driving reasons for the downsizing include but not limited to:
- change in the financial cirumstances
- change in the relationship or family structures
- health issues
- work related move, which requires downsizing
- relocation in general
As we speak to our customers, many are experiencing distress and high levels of anxiety associted with the Downsizing or moving their homes. We usually come into contact with our customers when they are at a stage of sorting their belongings and deciding what no longer is serving them or items which are too big or are simply not practical for their new home, hence the need for a Skip Bin or a few.
Interestingly enough, one of our own highly valued team members has recently gone through a process of downsizing - from the wooping 1 acre of land and a massive 2 storey house, which accommodated himself, his wife, his son, daughter in law and their new baby. He has successfully downsized to a 2 bedroom apartment with a carport and lived to tell the tale. For a full article filled with real life tips and advice on Downsizing, please check out here.
If you need to discuss what type of Skip Bin you might require for your Downsizing or Home Moving exercise - please contact our experienced and caring team on 1300 605 624 and we'll be delighted to assist you in this import project in your life right now.